Foundations in Business & finance
Class overview - Syllabus
Learn the fundamentals of money and entrepreneurship all in one class. Students will study financial principles and basic business skills that will follow them for the rest of their life. Students will learn basic business tools like word processing, spreadsheets, and web design. Students will also be expected to write goals, create a resume, cover letter and to apply for in-class jobs. Each student will also be asked to interview for their job and then when hired get paid with our “Crews Cash” classroom economy system. Students can then use their classroom currency to learn about markets using our monthly auctions. Special thanks to our class sponsor, Green Financial Scholar’s Program, funded by Green Financial Resources, Rogers S. Green, Founder and Owner.
You just got transferred to the Ohio division of your company! Now what? Select your city and the many choices you now have to make to make your money count.
What was my stock worth on my birthday?
When you think of things to put on your resume, you probably think of hard skills like coding, speaking another language, etc. However, it’s equally important to know what your soft skills are and how to highlight them. Watch this video to learn more about the difference between hard skills and soft skills. Then, answer the questions.
See Infographic:

5th Grade Coaching Event
5th Grade Project Idea: "If I could make the perfect app"
Students brainstorm 1-3 things they LOVE or are passionate about doing in their spare time
Students brainstorm 1-3 things they think they are good at or others say they are good at doing
Students brainstorm an APP they would LOVE to see created using their 1 idea that involves what they are good at or what they are passionate about.
Possible Ideas:
Sports - design a NEW app that updates you immediately when there is ANY news on your favorite sports figure or team and breaks the news down into 1-3 sentences and allows you to respond on the app with the millions of other fans but also filters out all the bad profanity or “crazies”.
Music – similar to the one above
Others topics:
Fashion –
Shoes –
Family –
Animals –
Requirements: (Topic: If I could make the perfect app for me!)
No more than 3 minutes to present your idea on Flipgrid (Video on please)
Include the following:
Name of the app?
What will it do?
Who will use it?
HOW will your target group use it?
How or why is this app special or unique?
My class will evaluate and give feedback to the student’s work on Flipgrid
Albert Einstein, the genius we all know who discovered the rule (he considered it his greatest discovery even over E=mc2 ) as the most powerful force on earth,
“…compound interest the eighth wonder of the world and mankind’s greatest invention because it is the mightiest force ever unleashed for the amassing of wealth” — Albert Einstein
Student sites
Reality Check - - Bank Comparison Tool
Parent sites
Previous Years
6th Grade (Spring 2020) 2019-2020 school year
6th Grade (Fall 2019) 2019-2020 school year
6th Grade (Spring 2019) 2018-2019 school year
6th Grade (Fall 2018) 2018-2019 school year
6th Grade (Fall 2017) 2017-2018 school year
6th Grade (Spring 2017) 2017-2018 school year
6th Grade (Spring 2016) 2016-2017 school year
6th Grade (Fall 2016) 2016-2017 school year
6th Grade (Sping 2015) 2015-2016 school year
6th Grade (Fall 2015) 2015-2016 school year
6th Grade (Spring 2014) 2014-2015 school year
6th Grade (Pre-2014) school years
About me
Hi, my name is Rod Hames and it is my honor to serve the Brookwood community at Crews Middle School as their Business Education Teacher where I get to share valuable truths concerning money, management, and entrepreneurship with a wonderful group of students. If I can help you in any way please don't hesitate to reach out to me.