Business @ Crews middle School

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." 

Pablo Picasso

Class Overview - What is being taught in Mr. Hames' room - 11Alive Take a Look - Video

Welcome and thanks for dropping in on my class.  Our core values drive all our decisions in class that directs my purpose with is to help students uncover their talent, passion, and mission.  I strongly belive we were created by God my creator to be creative and contribute to others.  Nothing gives me more pleasure than to serve other. - Rod Hames (Video Link)

6th graders start their own financial consulting business with the help of a billionaire named Warren Buffett

What would it be like to be a millionaire?  Find out from those who have achieved this level of success with money.  Learn and practice professional skills while helping to run a classroom economy using CREWS CASH doing jobs in and out of class.  Enjoy real auctions every other week learning about markets using real Amazon Gift Cards and other items of value that are up for sale in class.

7th graders create a software company and discover the amazing world of PYTHON coding.

Interested in running a successful business?  Look no further, sign up for a dynamic class where you will create a school newspaper, run an election for SGA President, and start a software business all in 18 weeks.  Learn programming languages like  HTML, PYTHON, and create apps using M.I.T’s Scratch coding language. 11Alive Video Clip

8th graders are all in for building a business from scratch and seeing it win a "Shark Tank" competition.

If you have ever dreamed of starting your own business, signup quickly.  The class fills up fast.  Take time to invest in the stock market and learn the value of a buck while adding value to others and solving problems using the skills and talents you have developed.  You will learn how to speak and pitch your ideas just like they do on the hit TV show SHARK TANKExample Site1 Site2

About me

Hi, my name is Rod Hames and it is my honor to serve the Brookwood community at Crews Middle School as their Business Education Teacher where I get to share valuable truths concerning money, management, and entrepreneurship with a wonderful group of students.  If I can help you in any way please don't hesitate to reach out to me.